No matter how you ended up here,
I don't believe it’s an accident.
Throughout most of my life, no matter what I did, I couldn’t shake an undercurrent of restlessness. Have you ever felt this way?
Looking back, I now see how for a greater purpose God was continually weaving
together the people, events, and experiences in my life, even though for decades I was oblivious to His subtle handiwork.
Come join me and explore this website as I share my story of a 40-year journey away from and back to the Church, in an effort to help you, my fellow traveler.
Mass Confusion
Why I Rejected The Church For So Long And What Changed
Dread going to church? Feel restless and bored during mass? Cringe at the hypocrisy often found in organized religion? This book offers a fresh perspective for those seeking answers. A quick and compelling read for anyone who daydreams in the pew and can't wait until mass is over; resents or is confused by a rigid list of out-of-touch dos and don'ts; has been hurt or alienated at church; and believes church is irrelevant for real people with real problems.
Mass Confusion reveals how an unlikely pilgrim—a corporate attorney turned hospice nurse—was finally able to grasp the life-changing truths of her faith. After 40 years of drifting in and out of the church, Susan experienced a life-transforming event that led her to renew her spirituality, return to her faith, and rediscover joy and peace-in the midst of the Catholic Church's ravaging sexual-abuse crisis that caused untold thousands to reject the Church

Susan R. Dolan
About the Author
Susan R. Dolan is a nurse, attorney, mediator, and health care consultant specializing in issues surrounding end-of-life care. She is co-author of The End of Life Advisor: Personal, Legal, and Medical Considerations for a Peaceful, Dignified Death, the American Journal of Nursing’s 2009 Book of the Year. Susan appeared in the award-winning documentary Consider the Conversation: A Documentary on a Taboo Subject, served as a guest blogger for The Huffington Post (now HuffPost), and hosted ReachMD’s radio broadcast. Susan lives in Park Ridge, Illinois with her husband, Steve.

Susan’s story of rediscovering her Catholic faith after a 40-year walk in the spiritual desert will inspire you. There is much for all of us to learn from how she became reacquainted with what matters most and what matters least in life. I thoroughly enjoyed it!
Allen Hunt
Senior Advisor, Dynamic Catholic

Many experiences have set me back in terms of my relationship with the Catholic Church so I was intrigued by how someone who rejected the Church for so long could be so excited about returning. If you've been hurt, disillusioned, or alienated by the Church and could use a guide to help you rethink Catholicism, Mass Confusion is a must-read.